Wednesday, 6 April 2016


Media studies a2 coursework the evaluation from D Banger

Here is the evaluation I completed for my coursework production regarding the short film Intrusion and all its ancillary tasks. 

Monday, 4 April 2016

'Intrusion' Final - Draft #4

This is the 4th, and final draft I have completed for Intrusion. Overall I am happy with this draft and took on board the improvements that were given to me for my 3rd draft.

I re-shot the opening scene with the characters talking and discussing the safe, because my teacher didn't allow me to upload the other cut because it contained sensitive material which was a consequence of me filming in a wrong location. Therefore I re-shot the whole scene to meet a new environment, but set the same back-story and context, and following the same script.

I also added in the credits for this draft, to make it look more professional and also more of a complete short film . I used very similar typography to the title sequence for my credits, to make Intrusion flow more and seem like more of a coherent piece with continuous themes and styles.

Another improvement I had was I needed some kind of thrilling, non-diegetic soundtrack when one of my characters woke up to a noise and was investigating. Therefore I did this and now the scene seems to me more thrilling. I used an eerie piece of soundtrack I found from the internet, which was royalty free, and thought it was very suitable for my short films tone and agenda.

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Intrusion Poster Ancillary Task- Draft #4 - Final (Minor Changes)

This is the 4th, final draft of the poster ancillary task for Intrusion. It is essentially the same as the previous draft, however the text at the bottom of the poster is now in a more conventional, standardize font known as 'Trajan'.

I was told to make this change by my teacher, to make the poster look slightly more professional and conventional, since all conventional posters will feature text font somewhat exactly like this one.

I also made the tag lines and review sentences a tiny bit smaller, this was just to make the title of 'Intrusion' stand out just that bit more, so it is clearer and more visible to the audience.

Overall I am relatively satisfied with this poster, and think it is simple. but considerably effective in putting across the themes and mood of Intrusion across to the audience, through visual semiotics and text.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Film Review Ancillary Task- Draft No #3 - FINAL

This is the final draft of the Intrusion poster ancillary task. Some notable changes between this draft and the 2nd draft include changing all images on the review to black and white, to maintain and continue synergy between this review and the poster. changing the font to also match the other products same font, and also adding in 2 page numbers on both sides of the review.

The images are all now black and white, to create a continued theme and synergy between the other ancillary task, being the poster, and also the short film itself. Before, the images were in full colour, which didn't quite match the synergy among the other products, so I thought it would be better to change them to a black and white colour scheme, to get a continued sense and tone of bleakness and psychological-thriller esque emotions,

I also had to change the main title of 'Intrusion' to a different, 'Chiller' font, which is the same as the the one in the poster. This is once again for continuity and synergy reasons as different fonts wont make for as effective combinations of ancillary tasks. It also very much more suits the tone and atmosphere of the review, since the other main colours are red, and the black and white imagery make it very suitable.

The page numbers are also in the bottom corners of both sides of the film review, to create a more professional looking review, and to truly make it look like it belongs in a magazine, taking up one large A3 page.

Overall I am fairly happy with my final draft of film review and think it has made good, appropriate developments and changes over time, to create a respectable looking film review ancillary task.