Saturday 30 January 2016

Film Review- Draft No. 2

Here is the 2nd draft of my second ancillary task, the film review. I produced and edited the film review using Photoshop CS5.

From my second draft, I have added all of the text, a secondary picture in the bottom right, the cast and film information on the right hand side, and the plot of the short film at the top right. These conventions are all things I have learned from my research into film reviews. The formatting is all up to speed in my opinion, and the picture and title 'Intrusion' is large and bold to attract the audiences attention. The film review would be for a double sided, A3 magazine page, which also a lot of my researched film reviews had the same structure.

Even though it is only draft 2 of my film review, I'm happy with it and don't think it'll need any more significant improvements or adjustments!

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