Friday, 6 November 2015

'Intrusion'- Script- (Outdated- DISCONTINUED)

‘Intrusion’- Screenplay

Fade in

EXT. Side of a road – Night

TWO MASKED THIEFS are standing under a street lamp, looking directly ahead at a house they are presumably about to invade. One of them pulls out a cigarette and starts to smoke it. The other one pulls out a swiss army knife, and holds it up to the light, he then puts it away. Ambient sound of owls in the night and dogs barking.

The first thief crosses the road and signals the other one to wait for his signal to also cross, an over the shoulder shot tracking shot will capture this. He walks up to the door, examines the lock and also checks the windows to the right side. He then pulls out a (blue) torch and shines it through the window, a camera shot will capture this from inside of the house.

The pair then decide they’re not going to get through this way, so they walk over to the side of the house and arrive at the gate. When the two individuals climb over the fence, they make a sudden loud thud when they hit the floor, a cutaway shot of a little girl in bed reacting to the noise will follow after.


Just like the way we planned this, okay?

Silence. The other individual subtly nods his head, as if he’s almost shrugging off the order. A shot from the inside of the house will see them walking round the side of the house, cutting the audio off. When they reach the doors to the house, individual #1 pulls out his army knife and starts to play with the lock. A shot will cut to the inside of the door to get the perspective inside the house. Struggling at first attempt. Individual #2 is still smoking his cigarette behind him.

'Come on you motherfucker I know you want to work'

Cut away shot of THIEF #2 watching him, still smoking the cigarette.

After some more attempts to pick the lock, it is successful and individual #1 pushes up the lock so that the door can now be pulled open. THIEF #1 will then SLOWLY look over his shoulder to the other individual, acknowledging their situation. He will then flick up the lock so that the door is ready to slide open, swiftly. A SLOW-MO shot from the inside, low angle, will see the door slide open. THIEF #1 will then SLOWLY put his body, legs first into the house. Once his body is in the house, he starts to look around and observe his surroundings. A cutaway shot to the little girl in bed again will occur, this time making it seem she’s having a nightmare dream of some sorts.

A close up shot of the invidivual #2 will then see him walk through the door, also observing his surroundings.
Cut to a shot of a cake on a table, right in front of the camera, however having the intruder in the background of the frame. Shot will then change to a low angle of thief #2 walk over to the cake, the camera pans to reveal it, and will then see him put his cigarette in it and extinguish it.
A close up shot of thief #reacting to this action looking shocked/disgusted.


You got a problem?

THIEF #1 shrugs off the remark in shock and shakes his head.

THIEF #1 will then continue to slowly walk around and examine the house. Until he reaches the bottom of the staircase, an over the shoulder shot will see this and then emphasise on the darkness and ominous feel at the top of the stairs.

The safe is upstairs.


(Subtly) Well that’s fucking brilliant. Are we going up there then?


That wasn’t the original plan.


The original plan has now changed. We’re opening that safe, and we’re gonna claim that fucking cash.

The camera will then pan around Thief #1’s face to emphasise his dilemma and mixed feelings.


Well let’s go then.

A slow dolly shot at the top of the staircase will then see the camera move forward and emphasise on the mysterious and ominous tone of the whole situation.
The two thief’s then begin to very slowly walk up the stairs. Each steep makes a creaking sound, building on the tension. (Ambient thrilling music will be playing over at this point.


I need some light.

Thief #2 hands him over a lighter.

The thief then begins to spark the lighter in total darkness, when it does ignite he then holds it in front of his face.

Medium shot of them walking further up the stairs-slow build of tension and mystery.

After they reach the top of the staircase, they stop at the top and the camera will begin to move backwards towards the end of the landing.

An over the shoulder shot of the both of them walking across the landing.

The next shot will then be inside a room, looking through the open door. The thief’s will then walk into the frame, implying the safe is located within this room. They look towards/through the door and pause, then look at each other.

A cut to a dolly shot, on the floor, pressing in on the room, hearing all the sound effects of them trying to crack into the safe. This shot will cut approximately when the camera is getting close to the door,

Cutaway shot back to the little girl, this time she wakes up and reaches over to her bedside table for some water, to realise she has ran out. She gets out of bed and picks up the glass,

A medium shot, in front of her, will then see her open the door and slowly walk out. However she walks out only 
to discover the thief’s in the room opposite her, trying to break into the safe.

Thief #2 will turn around slowly to discover her standing there, she looks scared and confused.

Dip to black- sudden sound effect.

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