Saturday, 14 November 2015

Poster Mock up/ Draft #1 - 'Intrusion'

This is a very rough and quick mock-up draft #1 I made for my short film.

The poster is in landscape despite normal film posters should be in portrait, this was because I just wanted to experiment here with initial colours and typography, such as the red font and the black background. It works significantly well together in my opinion so I will be carrying this colour scheme to my next drafts.

By designing the poster in this specific way I was trying to create a dark, mysterious undertone for my short film when people see this poster. This is in the way everything is black, apart from the two thiefs and the house. It creates a more explicit poster due to the fact that minimal things are shown and the poster very much focuses on the middle section with the characters and the house.

I also used a red, striking font in the middle upper section of the poster to create a more psychological- thriller side to this poster. The red colour symbolizes danger and and often anxiety which I feel is a good representation of some of the elements in this short film. I also like the spacing between the characters in the text because I think that it makes the title look more intriguing and stylish.

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