Wednesday 7 October 2015

'Black Swan' Poster Analysis #5 - Thriller/horror

'Black Swan' is a 2010 psychological thriller-horror film directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Natalie Portman as the titular character. 

This poster is one of the two main theatrical posters for this feature film. What makes this poster so fitting for this psychological thriller-horror film is how strange and unsettling Natalie Portman looks in this poster. This is mainly due to several things. 

The first thing being the extremely contradictory colours used for the poster, in the form of Natalie Portman's soft white face, yet dark red lips, sinister red eyes and black eye detail. This was done to symbolise the themes and ideas that would be presented in the film. Her all soft, white face represents her character as a pure, frail, angelic girl. Yet however, her dark red lips exactly contrast this due to the fact that red is the typical colour for danger. This sheer contrast in colour and in meaning is striking and powerful , which is one of the reasons this poster works so well. It hints at the fact that this girl is going to go through some drastic changes and differences in her life when certain events happens. The second major thing to comment on is her menacing looking, black and red eyes. Her pupils are black yet her iris is blood red. giving the impression of some kind of monster within her. Another thing to contrast this yet again is the tiara she is wearing on her head. A tiara typically represents royalty, significance and being apart of a prestigious social circle of some kind. But however, despite she is wearing this grand, powerful tiara, she is opposed by the black swan, evident in this poster by her forbidding eyes and lips. When you combine all these things together, you get a drastic mix of emotions and themes, which is why the poster very well helps to tell the story that is occurring in the film. 

Another noteworthy feature of this poster is how the composition of the poster is different, some parts are out of focus compared to other parts. Such as, her face is in focus whereas the other majority of the poster is out of focus. This would have been done to further represent the theme of contrast and insanity presented in the film. 

Overall I think this is an excellent poster that represents the themes and ideas presented in the film considerably well and makes the audience feel rather unsettled by this poster. 

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