Monday 12 October 2015

'Memento' Poster Analysis #8 - Psychological Thriller

This poster for 2000's 'Memento' in its entirety is more of a simple, but effective poster in terms of suggestion and implications.

The main thing to comment on is how Guy Pearce's character on the poster as been split up into many different sections. To someone who hasn't seen the film, they can associate this feature of the poster with delusion, multiple personalities, or in fact a shattered, fragmented memory. This is because the way the poster has been edited strongly suggests this, due to the fact it literally makes his character look fragmented and lost. This was done as an editing choice and perhaps saves words, tag lines or phrases to communicate to the audience that something is wrong with this characters mental stability, and or sanity; the visuals say it all.

Another thing to note on is the eye-line match up in roughly the upper middle section of the poster. I think that this has been done in order to make the character look more serious, and more troubled. This is because his face becomes more clear to see since his eyes have been lined up and furthermore emphasizes on his delusion and paranoia. Also due to his mouth being slightly open which further adds to the idea of the character looking troubled and in jeopardy

The title 'Memento' has been presented in a large, stylish white font which clearly states the name of the film, with director Christopher Nolan's name underneath it. With the three names of the lead actors in the top right, middle and top left of the poster.

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