Monday 5 October 2015

'Disturbia' Poster Analysis #3 - Thriller

This is the theatrical release poster for the Shia Labeouf thriller film, 'Disturbia', which is a tense, subtle thriller. 

I think this poster is particularly effective as how it mixes up low key lighting with saturated colours, being the oranges and reds in the lenses of the binoculars. 

The fact that the male character has his face very contrasted by the whites and blacks is effective. It could be suggesting his character is more of a plain, unknown person with good observational skills, linking to the binoculars. I also think that this has been done to provide a more creepy poster that lacks colour and therefore lacks emotion and positivity, as it is a thriller after all. The contrasts between the black and whites create a slicker, more intriguing mood. 

I believe that the lenses have been saturated in colour to not only create a blend of colours in the poster, but also to suggest what the male is seeing through the binoculars is 'heated' and 'dangerous', since colours like red are often known for being the symbol of danger, linking to semiology. 

The tag line at the top of the poster reads 'Every killer lives next door to someone'. I think this title is clever as it manipulates you into thinking and agreeing with the caption. It is true, every serial killer living in a neighbourhood will be someones next door neighbour, it just comes down to who it is. Therefore, the caption plays with the readers mind psychologically and it the reason why the caption succeeds. 

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