Saturday 31 October 2015

Change of story/idea- (Final!)

I decided yesterday on the 30th of October that another, but final change of story line was needed for my short film. The main reason behind this is simply due to my 2nd idea lacking meaning and social messages, which is why I'm now doing a home invasion themed thriller/psychological thriller short film that can engage the audience by linking to real life events and social issues that people can relate to.

I aim to get a screenplay done very shortly as opposed to as a script, due to the fact that so far I don't think there will be masses of dialogue in my short film, rather more actions and camerawork. I aim to shoot by next Friday the 11th of December at the latest, as long as my 2 main planning documents are completed.

Once the screenplay is done, I will be getting my storyboard done shortly after which will then enable me to begin filming and putting a rough edit together after.

I am also choosing to go along the route of psychological thriller due to the fact that in my survey results, psychological thriller was the 2nd most popular option, after action thriller. I have also casted all male roles in my short film due to the fact that the audience in my survey did not mind at all the genre of the lead character, which is why I didn't hesitate in casting all males for the short film so far.

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